Connecting iSCSI Hosts to the iSR6200
ISR651101-00 J 4-17
The following example shows the anatomy of a sample IQN string from an
iSR6200 router:
1. Vendor name and registration date
2. Product Name
3. iSR6200 Chassis Serial Number
4. Blade (b1 or b2)
5. VPGroup (01 through 04)
6. Fibre Channel target WWPN
Notice that the IQN string does not contain any information about the physical
iSR6200 iSCSI port. iSCSI load balancing and failover are handled by the iSCSI
host and not the iSR6200. Also notice that the IQN string does not contain any
information indicating which physical iSR6200 Fibre Channel port the target
device is connected.
You can view the complete list of IQN strings that your iSR6200 is presenting with
the show presented_targets command in the CLI. For example:
iSR6200 <1> (admin) #> show presented_targets
Presented Target Information
iSCSI Presented Targets
Name iqn.2004-08.com.qlogic:iSR6200.0834e00019.r1.00.20030020c2075970
WWNN 10:00:00:20:c2:07:59:70
WWPN 20:03:00:20:c2:07:59:70
Name iqn.2004-08.com.qlogic:iSR6200.0834e00019.r1.00.21040020c2075970
WWNN 10:00:00:20:c2:07:59:70
WWPN 21:04:00:20:c2:07:59:70