C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-11
56842 QLDM_ResumeMigration: Failed to resume
job: %d, job's current state: 0x%x, error:
App Info Failed to resume a paused job.
56865 QLDM_DelayedStart:%d Failed to start job :
Job ID: %d App Info Failed to start a delayed schedule job.
56866 Lun is already used for of some other
migration job App Info Migration add failed because LUN is part of another
migration job.
56867 Selected Lun is a Controller Lun App Info Migration being added with a LUN that is a controller
LUN. Data LUNs are required for configuring migra-
tion jobs.
56868 Selected Lun is Masked, It cant be used
for Offline Migration App Info Migration job being added for a LUN that is masked
to an initiator on the router. Mapped LUNs cannot be
used for offline migration jobs.
56869 Read Capacity is not available for the Lun App Info Migration job being added for a LUN for which no
read capacity Information is available. Migration add
will fail.
56870 QLDM_CreateMigrationObject: Failed to
create Source Lun Object App Info Failed to allocate memory for the source LUN of a
migration job.
56871 QLDM_CreateMigrationObject: Failed to
create Destination Lun Object App Info Failed to allocate memory for the destination LUN of
a migration job.
56872 QLDM_CreateMigrationObject:
MigrationObject memory unavailable App Info Failed to allocate memory for the migration job.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description