C–Log Messages
C-14 ISR651101-00 J
70524 #%d: QLProcessAen: Invalid event %x iSCSI Fatal Asynchronous event for unknown event type.
70544 #%d: QLRebootTimer: Reboot failed! iSCSI Fatal Reboot timer failed.
70563 #%d: QLRebootTimer: Reboot failed! iSCSI Fatal iSCSI driver missed iSCSI processor heartbeat.
iSCSI processor rebooted.
70564 #%d: QLRebootTimer: Reboot failed! iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor failed to complete operation before
70609 #%d: QLRebootTimer: Reboot failed! iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor system error restart.
70610 #%d: QLProcessSystemError: RebootHba
failed iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor reboot failed.
70784 #%d: QLConfigChip: invalid NVRAM iSCSI Fatal iSCSI processor NVRAM invalid (checksum error).
70835 #%d: QLStartFw: MBOX_CMD_SET_FLASH failed
%x iSCSI Fatal The iSCSI controller Set Flash command failed.
70836 #%d: QLStartFw: Invalid Fw loader state
0x%x iSCSI Fatal The iSCSI controller failed to load firmware.
70837 #%d: QLStartFw: Load Fw loader timeout iSCSI Fatal The iSCSI controller firmware load operation timed
70938 #%d: ql_adapter_up: Failed to initialize
adapter iSCSI Fatal The iSCSI controller failed to initialize.
72351 #%d: QLProcSrblessiSNSResponse: Invalid
handle %x iSCSI Fatal The iSCSI controller reported that an iSNS response
had an invalid handle.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description