C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-33
172250 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Down FCIP Error The TCP link went down. Check the Ethernet cabling
and Ethernet switch or peer device statistics.
172253 FcipRoute#%d: Remote Peer IP Address
Validation Failed FCIP Error An TCP client attempted to connect to the router but
the IP address did not match the address of the
remote router specified in the route definition. Check
the route definition; check for network rogues fishing
for open TCP ports.
172272 FcipRoute#%d: Tcp Client's connect
attempt failed FCIP Error Router was not able to open a TCP connection with
the remote router. Check the route definitions on
each router; check the Ethernet cabling. Try to ping
the remote router.
172273 FcipRoute#%d: Tcp Server's Listen attempt
failed FCIP Error TCP connection was closed before it was fully
opened. Router will restart its listen socket.
184515 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Up FCIP Info TCP connection was successfully established with
remote router.
184536 FcipRoute#%d: FCIP Link Up FCIP Info Local and remote Fibre Channel links are up.
184542 FcipRoute#%d: VLAN Info Unavailable FCIP Info Route definition includes VLAN but the network
VLAN device instance does not exist. This is an inter-
nal error. Try removing the route definition and
re-enter the route definition.
200721 QL3022:ql3xxx_probe: Adapter eth#%d,
Invalid NVRAM parameters TOE Fatal A GE port (eth#%d) has invalid NVRAM parameters.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description