C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-15
73990 #%d: QLUtmIoctlEnable: Initialize FW
failed iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor failed firmware initialization.
74056 #%d: QLRunDiag: MBOX Diag test internal
loopback failed %x %x iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor failed the internal loopback test.
74057 #%d: QLRunDiag: MBOX Diag test external
loopback failed %x %x iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor failed the external loopback
74068 #%d: QLUtmReceiveScsiCmd: Invalid ATIO
Continuation type %x iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor reported an invalid Accept Tar-
get I/O (ATIO) Continuation type x.
74069 #%d: QLUtmProcessResponseQueue: Immediate
data addr %08x:%08x in unsupported PduType iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor reported an Immediate data
address (xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx) in an unsupported PDU
74241 #%d: QLiSNSEnableCallback: iSNS Server
TCP Connect failed iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor could not connect with the
iSCSI name server (iSNS).
74577 #%d: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: NVRAM invalid iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor reported that the iSCSI port
NVRAM contains invalid data (checksum error).
74580 #%d: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: AEN %04x,
Duplicate IP address detected, MB[1-5]
%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x
iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor reported a duplicate IP address
was detected (address xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx).
74587 #%d: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: Link down iSCSI Error The iSCSI processor reported a link down condition.
74656 #%d: QLReadyTimer: Adapter missed
heartbeat for %d seconds. Time left %d iSCSI Error The driver failed to receive a heartbeat from the
iSCSI processor for the specified number of seconds.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description