C–Log Messages
C-6 ISR651101-00 J
41717 QLBI_Passthru: Invalid data length %d
bytes App Error Pass-Through command issued by management
application (such as GUI) was interrupted or timed
41750 QLBI_Ioctl: ERROR: Operation (0x%x) not
supported in this mode App Error IOCTL operation unsupported. Operation code pro-
vided in log message.
41768 QLBI_GetLunList: REPORT LUNS command
failed App Error Report LUNs command failed. The Report LUNs
command was issued by the router as part of its dis-
covery process.
41769 QLBI_GetLunList: REPORT LUNS command
App Error Report LUNs command failed with check condition
status. The Report LUNs command was issued by
the router as part of its discovery process.
41771 QLBI_GetLunList: Lun allocation failed
for LunId %d App Error Failed to allocate LUN object; out of resources.
41994 QLFC_Login: VpIndex (%d) out of range App Error Login attempted using Fibre Channel virtual port (VP)
index that is out-of-range (range = 0–31). Index
reported in log message.
41995 QLFC_Login: VP Index 0x%x not configured App Error Login attempted using Fibre Channel VP index that
has not been configured. Operation attempted on an
unconfigured VP.
42002 QLFC_Login: Can't open connection App Error Attempting login but Fibre Channel connection can-
not be opened.
42024 QLFC_Logout: No active path to device.
App Error Attempting logout of device for which there is no
active path (WWPN not found).
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description