C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-19
102755 #%d: QLTimer: Heartbeat failed FC Fatal Fibre Channel processor heartbeat failed.
102800 #%d: QLRestartRisc: restart RISC FC Fatal Fibre Channel processor being restarted.
106583 #%d: QLUtmReceiveIo: Path invalid/FW No
resource count %x FC Error The Fibre Channel processor received a SCSI com-
mand for an unknown target path or has run out of
resources to execute additional commands.
106589 #%d: QLIoctlEnable: Adapter disabled FC Error The Fibre Channel processor was disabled by an
IOCTL request to the driver.
106590 #%d: QLIoctlEnable: Initialize FW error FC Error The Fibre Channel processor firmware failed initial-
ization. The request to initialize was received by the
driver in an IOCTL request.
106592 #%d: QLIoctlRunDiag: Diagnostic loopback
command failed %x
FC Error The Fibre Channel processor failed the external loop-
back test.
106593 #%d: QLIoctlDisable: Re-initialize
adapter failed FC Error The Fibre Channel processor failed to re-initialize in
response to an IOCTL disable request.
106803 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Link down (%x) FC Error The Fibre Channel processor reported a link down
106813 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Unexpected async
event (%x), MB1=%x, MB2=%x, MB3=%x,
MB4=%x, MB5=%x, MB6=%x, MB7=%x
FC Error The Fibre Channel processor reported an unex-
pected asynchronous event. The mailbox registers
provide status, event code, and data related to the
106847 #%d: QLProcessResponseQueue: Invalid
EntryStatus %x, type %x FC Error The Fibre Channel controller reported an invalid
Entry Status %x, type %x.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description