C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-5
41508 QLBI_SetPortInfo:
QLUT_AllocatePortalObject failed
(PortType 0x%x, PortId 0x%x)
App Error Failed to allocate an object for Set Port Info IOCTL
PortType: 0 = Fibre Channel, 1 = iSCSI
PortId: 0 = FC1 or iSCSI1(GE1), 1 = FC2 or iSCSI2
41626 QLBI_GetLunInfo: INQUIRY failed, TPB
status 0x%x App Error Inquiry command failed. The Inquiry command was
issued by the router as part of its discovery process.
41629 QLBI_GetLunInfo: INQUIRY failed, TPB
status 0x%x App Error Pass-Through command for Inquiry command for
page 83 failed. The Inquiry command was issued by
the router as part of its discovery process.
41635 QLBI_Passthru: Invalid data length %d
bytes App Error Pass-Through command for Read Capacity com-
mand failed. The Read Capacity command was
issued by the router as part of its discovery process.
41636 QLBI_GetLunInfo: INQUIRY failed, TPB
status 0x%x App Error Read Capacity command failed. The Read Capacity
command was issued by the router as part of its dis-
covery process.
41696 QLBI_GetLunInfo: INQUIRY failed, TPB
status 0x%x App Error Pass-Through command issued by management
application (such as GUI) was aborted.
41700 QLBI_Passthru: Invalid CDB length %d
bytes App Error Pass-Through command issued by management
application (such as GUI) failed due to invalid com-
mand descriptor block (CDB) length.
41701 QLBI_Passthru: Invalid data length %d
bytes App Error Pass-Through command issued by management
application (such as GUI) failed due to invalid data
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description