C–Log Messages
ISR651101-00 J C-21
107078 #%d: QLUpdatePort 0x%x: out of slots in
host database FC Error The driver was unable to re-establish connection to
the target within the timeout and retry counts, and is
therefore marking it offline.
107984 #%d: QLWriteFlashDword: Write fails at
addr 0x%x data 0x%x FC Error The Fibre Channel controller failed a Flash write
(address x data x).
108032 #%d: QLGetVpDatabase:
FC Error The Fibre Channel controller failed the Get VP Data-
base command (for virtual port %d).
108033 #%d: QLGetVpDatabase:
FC Error The Fibre Channel controller failed the Get VP Data-
base command (for virtual port %d) with status x.
108049 #%d: QLVerifyMenloFw:
EXECUTE_COMMAND_IOCB failed MB0 %x MB1 %x FC Error The Fibre Channel controller reported failure status
for an Execute IOCB (input/output control block)
108050 #%d: QLVerifyMenloFw:
EXECUTE_COMMAND_IOCB fatal error FC Error The Fibre Channel controller reported a fatal error
while processing an Execute IOCB command.
108064 #%d: QLGetFwState: Get Firmware State
failed 0-3 %x %x %x %x FC Error The Fibre Channel controller reported failure status
for a Get Firmware State command.
118882 #%d: QLIoctlDisable: Reset adapter FC Info Request to reset the Fibre Channel processor
(adapter) received from IOCTL interface.
119088 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: LIP occurred
(%x): mailbox1 = %x FC Info Fibre Channel loop initialization process (LIP)
occurred. The LIP type is reported, as is the contents
of the Fibre Channel processor’s mailbox 1 register.
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Msg.
Type Description