A–Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
ISR645610-00 B A-11
NotificationsThe router provides the following notification types:
“Notification Objects” on page A-11
“Agent Start Up Notification” on pageA-12
“Agent Shut Down Notification” on page A-12
“Network Port Down Notification” on page A-12
“Fibre Channel Port Down Notification” on page A-12
“Sensor Notification” on page A-12
“Generic Notification” on page A-13
The following sections describe these notifications and objects their use.
Notification Objects
This section defines the objects used in notifications.
Access Accessible for notify
Description This notification indicates the severity of the event.
The value clear specifies that a condition that caused
an earlier trap is no longer present.
Syntax SnmpAdminString
Access Accessible for notify
Description A textual description of the event that occurred.
Syntax DateAndTime
Access Accessible for notify
Description This notification indicates when the event occurred.