1–Getting Started
Getting Help
ISR645610-00 B 1-7
Getting HelpThis section provides information about:
“Viewing the Help System” on page 1-7
“Specifying the Help Browser” on page1-8
“Viewing SANsurfer Router Manager Information” on page1-9
Viewing the Help System
You can view the application help for SANsurfer Router Manager at any time
using one of the following methods:
To view the help system from the main window, point to the Help menu, and
then click Browse Contents. The help system opens in the browser you
selected using the Set Browser Location option (see “Specifying the Help
Browser” on page 1-8). The help window contains a navigation pane on the
left and a topic pane on the right. In the navigation pane, click one of the
following tabs to locate the information you want to view:
Contents lists topics organized by task, much like the Table of
Contents in this user's guide. This list also includes book icons that
open and close to show and hide topics related to the book title. Click a
closed book icon to open it and see its list of topics. Click an opened
book icon to close it and hide its topics. Click the title of any book or
topic to view its content in the topic pane.
Index provides an alphabetically arranged list of keywords. To jump to
a keyword, start typing it in the text box. Click any index entry to view a
related topic in the topic pane. If a keyword has more than one topic
associated with it, a menu lists related topics you can select.
Search provides access to all topics contained in the help system
using advanced search capabilities. Type one or more keywords in the
text box, and then press
. The search tool lists all topics that
meet your search criteria. Select any topic to view its contents in the
topic pane.