1–Getting Started
Getting Help
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To view help related to a specific wizard dialog box or window, click the Help
button, located at the lower-right corner of the dialog box. The appropriate
topic opens in a separate window. To view the navigation pane, click the
Show button, located in the top-right corner of the topic pane. The page
replaces the Show button with a Hide button, which you can click to close
the navigation pane without closing the topic window.
Specifying the Help BrowserFollow these steps to specify the Web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox, for
example) that SANsurfer Router Manager launches when you open the help
system (see “Viewing the Help System” on page 1-7).
To specify a browser:
1. On the SANsurfer Router Manager main window, open the Help menu, and
then click Set Browser Location.
The Browser Location dialog box opens (Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2. Browser Location Dialog Box
2. In the Browser Location box, type the location of the browser program file.
Be sure to specify the path and file name.
If you do not know the location, click Browse to search for and select the
browser program file. The Browser Location dialog box shows the new
browser path and file name.
The search tool accepts Boolean expressions (such as AND, OR, and
NOT), as well as nested expressions. It also accepts exact strings
entered between quotation marks. It does not support wild cards.