B–Log Messages
B-32 ISR645610-00 B
172301 FcipRoute#%d: Did not get the keepalive
msg form remote peer last %lu, curr %lu
FCIP Error The FCIP route #n has not been able to communi-
cate with its remote peer for 10 seconds, resulting in
a link drop due to a keepalive timeout.
172302 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Down, TCP Stats:
SACKed=%d TCP Total ReTransmitted=%d
FCIP Error The TCP link for FCIP route #n has disconnected.
The TCP statistics for the connection include total
selective acknowledgements (SACKs) and total
retransmission for the connection.
172303 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Down, MAC Stats:
Tx Dropped Count=%ld Rx Dropped Count=%ld
Tx Pause Count=%ld Rx Pause Count=%ld
FCIP Error The TCP link for FCIP route #n has disconnected.
The MAC or Ethernet statistics include total packet
dropped during transmit (TxDropped), total packet
dropped during receive (RxDropped), total Ethernet
pause frames transmitted (TxPause), and total Ether-
net pause frames received (RxPause).
172304 FcipRoute#%d: Tcp Retranmissions in last
10 Sec %d, OutStanding Completions %d FC
FCIP Error The total number of TCP retransmissions that
occurred in the last 10 seconds before the link was
brought down due to a keepalive timeout. It also dis-
plays the total number of outstanding transmissions
that were pending to be transmitted through the GbE
172322 FcipRoute#%d: FC link on the remote peer
went down
FCIP Error The FCIP route #n went down because the Fibre
Channel port on the remote peer went down.
184515 FcipRoute#%d: TCP Link Up FCIP Info TCP link for FCIP route #n has been established.
184536 FcipRoute#%d: FCIP Link Up FCIP Info FCIP link is up for FCIP route #n.
184542 FcipRoute#%d: VLAN Info Unavailable FCIP Error FCIP route #n: Incorrect VLAN configuration.
Table B-1. iSR6152 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message Module
Type Description