iSR6152 Router Manager
User’s Guide
Index-2 ISR645610-00 B
authentication error B-4
configuring 1-x
definition of Glossary-1
iSCSI discovered target settings 3-33
iSCSI initiators settings 3-26
iSCSI port settings 3-22
key error B-5
data migration info 4-2
FCIP route statistics 3-42
iSCSI port statistics 3-22, 3-23
router security password 3-9
router statistics values 3-15
security fields 1-11
CLI, definition of Glossary-1
closing SANsurfer Router Manager 1-13, 2-4
command line interface, See CLI
read A-1
trap A-1
Completed Data Migration Jobs page 4-4
Compression, FCIP routes 3-42
configuration info, saving 2-4
data migration jobs 2-5, 2-8
FCIP route 3-38
iSCSI port 1-3
router 1-3
verifying jobs 2-5, 2-8
Connect button 2-6
hardware 1-2
router, adding to tree 2-6, 2-8
connection mode, port 3-13
contact name for trap events 3-11
contents, help system 1-7
CRC, definition of Glossary-1
creating, See adding
CSV file
definition of Glossary-1
printing to 3-28, 3-29
cyclic redundancy check, See CRC
Ddata digest, iSCSI ports 3-22
data management LUN
adding 2-5, 2-8
removing 2-5, 2-9
data migration
clearing info 4-2
group, adding 2-5, 2-8
group, removing 2-9
logs, viewing 2-4
report, saving 4-2
Data Migration Info page 4-2
data migration jobs
active 4-3
completed 4-4
configuring 2-5, 2-8
synchronizing jobs 4-4
data rate
Fibre Channel ports 3-13
iSCSI ports 3-18
factory settings, restoring router to 3-2
IPv6 router 3-18
router password 1-10
router, IPv6 3-7
SNMP passwords 3-11
definitions of terms Glossary-1
definition of Glossary-2
discovered LUN information 3-31
information 3-27
iSCSI presented target list 3-30
target, rescanning for 2-9
definition of Glossary-2
IP address, obtaining automatically 3-6
management port 3-6