1–Getting Started
Starting SANsurfer Router Manager
1-4 ISR645610-00 B
3. Launch the FW Update Wizard using one of the following methods:
On the File menu, click FW Update Wizard.
Press CTRL+F.
4. On the FW Update Wizard dialog box under Router Selection, select the
check box corresponding to the router (specified by IP address) to update,
and then click Next.
5. Complete the Firmware File Selection section as follows:
a. Click Browse, and then on the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder
where you saved the firmware file.
b. Select the appropriate isr-6152-x_x_x_x.bin file (where
x_x_x_x identifies the firmware version), and then click Open.
c. When the selected firmware file name appears in the Firmware Image
File box, click Next.
6. Under Confirm Changes, review the firmware status and confirm the
changes as follows:
a. Review the list of routers to be updated with the specified firmware file.
b. If you want to save a copy of this firmware configuration, click Save
Configuration to File. Browse to the appropriate directory, enter a file
name, and then click Save.
7. Click Next.
The Firmware Update Status section of the FW Update Wizard shows the
progress of the firmware updates and performs a security check to verify the
8. In the Security Check dialog box, type the password, and then click OK.
9. Review the firmware update status, and then click Next.
10. On the final dialog box, click Finish to complete the firmware update.
Starting SANsurfer Router ManagerSANsurfer Router Manager startup procedures differ depending on the operating
Starting SANsurfer Router Manager on Windows
Starting SANsurfer Router Manager on Linux or Solaris
Starting SANsurfer Router Manager on Macintosh