iSR6152 Router Manager
User’s Guide
Index-10 ISR645610-00 B
Statistics page
FCIP routes 3-42
Fibre Channel ports 3-14
iSCSI ports 3-22
Fibre Channel ports 3-13
icons 2-13
iSCSI ports 3-18
storage area network, See SAN
storage arrays, See arrays
Subnet mask, FCIP routes 3-39
switched fabric, definition of Glossary-2
symbolic name, router 3-3
Synchronizing Jobs page 4-4
contact A-2
location, router A-1
log level 3-4
logs, viewing 2-4
OID 3-11
time, NTP server 3-8
definition of Glossary-8
devices, rescanning for 2-9
iSCSI presented 3-32
iSCSI presented targets 3-30, 3-35
iSCSI, discovering 2-4, 2-8
iSCSI, mapping 2-5, 2-9
LUN settings 3-4
mapping to 2-5
offline, removing 2-9
TCP port number, IPv6 3-21
unmapping 2-5
definition of Glossary-8
max window size, iSCSI ports 3-21
port number, FCIP routes 3-41
port, target 3-21
TCP (continued)
window scaling, iSCSI ports 3-20
window size, FCIP routes 3-40
temperature, router 3-4
terms and definitions Glossary-1
text, status 2-13
error detect 3-42
resource allocate 3-42
timestamp, FCIP routes 3-42
toolbar buttons 2-6
traceroute, initiating 2-9
tracing routes 2-9
transmission control protocol, See TCP
authentication A-2
community A-1
community password 3-11
configuration, SNMP A-2
events, system location 3-11
port, identifying 3-11
receivers 3-11
tree pane
Router tree 2-10
Services tree 2-13
unmapping targets 2-5
firmware 1-3, 2-3, 2-9, 3-2
information shown in window 2-9
iSCSI port statistics 3-22
router display 2-6
upgrading firmware 1-3
data migration report 4-2
firmware 3-2
URL, setting for data migration 4-2
user interface, components of 2-1