ISR645610-00 B 1-1
1Getting Started
This chapter provides information to help you get started using SANsurfer Router
Manager. It includes the following sections:
“System Requirements” on page 1-1
“Connecting the Management Workstation to the Router” on page1-2
“Starting SANsurfer Router Manager” on page1-4
“Connecting SANsurfer Router Manager to the Router” on page1-6
“Getting Help” on page 1-7
“Setting Security” on page 1-10
“Refreshing the Host Configuration” on page 1-12
“Exiting SANsurfer Router Manager” on page 1-13
System Requirements
Table1-1 lists the SANsurfer Router Manager minimum system requirements for
the platform, hardware, and software.
Table 1-1. System Requirements
Component Minimum Requirements
Operating System One of the following:
Windows 2000, 2003
Windows 2008
Linux Red Hat® Enterprise 3.x
Linux Red Hat Enterprise 4.x
Linux Red Hat 5
SUSE® Linux 9.0 Enterprise
SUSE Linux 10.0
Mac OS X
Solaris® Intel®
Solaris SPARC®