G | GB | Gigabyte | |
| SI — 1,000,000,000 bytes or 109. This is the International System |
| of Units (SI) definition commonly used by telecommunications |
| and storage manufacturers. |
| GiB — 1,073,741,824 bytes, equal to 10243, or 230. This is the |
| definition often used in computer science, computer |
| programming, and in the majority of computer operating |
| systems documentation. This measurement can be abbreviated as |
| GiB (gibibyte) to avoid ambiguity, as defined in IEC |
| Note: For the purpose of this document, SI is used. |
| GS | German Safety. |
| Head | The tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to create and | |
| H | ||
| read back the magnetic patterns on the media. Also known as the |
| read/write head. |
| HiFN | An ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) for the SDLT |
| that handles data compression. |
| HIM | The Host Interface Module implements the interface between the |
| host system and the tape drive. |
| HRE | Hard Read Error. |
| HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol - The protocol for moving hypertext |
| files across the Internet. Requires a HTTP client program on one |
| end, and an HTTP server program on the other end. HTTP is the |
| most used protocol on the Internet. |
| HWE | Hard Write Error. |
| ICM | The Integrated Controller Module contains the main controller | |
| I | ||
| and servo microprocessor, the |
| and the cache memory. |
| IEC | The International Electrotechnical Commission is a standards |
| organization that prepares and publishes international standards |
| for all electrical, electronic, and related technologies. |
Interface A hardware or software
IP Internet Protocol.
Quantum | 84 |