Setting Up the Hardware
2.2.1 SH7670 CPU board DIP Switch Setting
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 2-3
2.2.1 SH7670 CPU board DIP Switch Setting
To use the SH7670 CPU board following the installation described here, be sure to set the DIP switch SW8 to its
default settings as shown in Figure 2.2.1 and Table 2.2.1.
Figure 2.2.1 DIP Switch Setting
Table 2.2.1 Switch SW8 Functions
Switch No. Function Initial Settings Setting
SW8-1 Set clock mode to 0 ON
SW8-2 Set clock mode to 1 Clock mode 0
SW8-3 HIF pin enable ON Cancel HIF pin activation
SW8-4 HIF boot mode specified ON Do not activate from host interface (HIF)
SW8-5 NOR flash memory OFF Cancel write protection in NOR flash memory
2.2.2 SH7670 CPU Board Jumper Switch Setting
To use the SH7670 CPU board following the installation described here, be sure to set the jumpers to their default
settings as shown in Figure 2.2.2 and Table 2.2.2.
Figure 2.2.2 System Connection of SH7670 CPU board and E10A-USB Emulator
Table 2.2.2 SH7670 Group Power Supply Selection Jumper Setting (JP2 to JP4)
Jumper Default Setting Function
JP2 1-2 Power supply from J15
JP3 1-2 3.3 V fixed power supply voltage (supplied from U10)
JP4 1-2 1.2 V fixed power supply voltage (supplied from U11)