Creating and Running a New Project Workspace
5.1.2 Procedure for Creating a New Project Workspace
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 5-6
(12) In [New Project-7/9] dialog box, set up the target as below. Firstly, select the Target type and then, select the Targets.
Target type: SH2A-FPU
Figure 5.1.7 New Project-7/9 Dialog Box
(13) Verify [New Project-8/9] and [New Project-9/9] dialog boxes and click “Finish”.
Quit the Project Generator following the instructions shown in the window.
The HEW will be activated, automatically generating standard source files for the SH-2A device group.
(14) After the HEW started up, connect the E10A-USB emulator.
The E10A-USB emulator can be connected simply by switching to the session file for the E10A-USB emulator.
Note: The dialog box which confirms the change of session is displayed. Click “YES”.
Select the session
Figure 5.1.8 E10A-USB Emulator Connection Setup Screen