Running the Software
4.1.4 Sample Software Download Procedure
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 4-8
4.1.4 Sample Software Download Procedure Next, the following describes how to download the load module of the sample software.
Here, the sample software is downloaded to the flash memory connected external to the SH7670 CPU board.
For details about flash memory download settings, refer to the “SuperH Family E10A-USB Emulator User’s Manual.”
(1) Setting up the flash memory download function
From [Setup] menuÆ [Emulator] Æ[System…], open [Configuration] dialog box and then [Loading flash memory]
For “File Name” here, specify the flash memory download program " fmtool_hs71.mot". The sample workspace is
assumed to have the flash memory download program stored in the directory indicated below.
" C:¥WorkSpace¥Sample_software¥sh7670_sample¥fmtool_hs71"
As shown in Figure 4.1.15, select “Enable” for Loading Flash Memory, and after checking “File Name”, “Bus Width of
Flash Memory” and “Entry Point” settings, press “OK”.
•“Loading Flash Memory” is set to “disable” in the default setting. Therefore, you need to enable it whenever you
connect the E10A-USB emulator.
• In fmtool_hs71.mot, because the flash memory of each sector is deleted by using Writing module, please select
“Disable” for Erasing flash memory.
Figure 4.1.15 Configuration Dialog Box