Creating and Running a New Project Workspace
5.3.5 Setting Linker Options
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 5-18
(b) Section modifications example for the case that a B section is changed to the SDRAM area
The following shows the section modification example for changing the location of a B section to the SDRAM area.
For a detailed procedure for section setting, refer to paragraph (a) described previously.
(1) In [Section] dialog box, select “B” section as shown in Figure 5.3.15, and click “Remove”.
Figure 5.3.15 Section Change (1)
(2) In [Section] dialog box, set the B section in the SDRAM area as shown in Figure 5.3.16.
Example: Adding a section to the SDRAM
• Address: 0x0C000000
• Section: B
Note: For details about the SDRAM area in the SH7670 CPU board, refer to Section 1.7, “SH7670 Memory
Mapping,” in the SH7670 CPU board User’s Manual.
Setting the B section
in the SDRAM area
Figure 5.3.16 Section Change (2)