Creating and Running a New Project Workspace
5.3.5 Setting Linker Options
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 5-20
(2) Open [Link/Library] tab and select the below, and click “Add”.
• Category : Output
• Show entries for : ROM to RAM mapped sections
Figure 5.3.18 Section Change (2)
Note: In the sample software, the section initialization table should be set inside the reset exception
handling in the dbsct.c file.
(3) Select the items as below on [Add Rom to Ram] dialog box, and click "OK".
It returns to [SuperH RISC engine Standard Toolchain] dialog box, and click "OK" to finish your setting.
• ROM section : DINTTBL
• RAM section : RINTTBL
Figure 5.3.19 Section Change (3)