Creating and Running a New Project Workspace
5.2.2 Specifying the Command Batch File Before Downloading
Rev. 1.01 May 7, 2008 5-9
Table5.2.1 Loading flash memory Setting
Loading flash memory Enable
Erasing flash memory Disable
File name C:¥WorkSpace¥Sample_software¥sh7670_sample¥fmtool_hs71¥ fmtool_hs71.mot
Bus width of flash memory 16-bit
Flash memory erasing time -
All erasing module address -
Writing module address H'FFF80000
Access size 1 or 2
5.2.2 Specifying the Command Batch File Before Downloading
Next, you need to run the script file “fmtool_hs71.hdc” which has written the access timing and bus control signal
settings in the flash memory of the SH7670 CPU board before you download the modules.
From the Debug menu, open the Debug Settings dialog box and select the Options tab.
Set up the items on this tab as shown below.
• Command batch file load timing: Before download of modules
• Command line batch processing:
"¥WorkSpace¥Sample_software¥sh7670_sample¥fmtool_hs71¥ fmtool_hs71.hdc "
Figure 5.2.2 Debug Settings Dialog Box
Note: With default settings, “Download modules after build” is selected. So deselect this check box, and then
select “Reset CPU after download module”, as shown above.