Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
CIn the [NDS Context] box, type the context in which the print server is to be created.
By clicking [Browse], you can select context among those listed in the [Browse] dialog box.
As context, object names are typed from a lower level object a nd d ivide d by a peri od. For exam-
ple, if you want to create a print server into NET under DS, type "NET.DS".
DIn the [Print Server Operation Mode] group, click [As Remote Printer].
EIn the [Remote Printer No.] box, type the number of the printer.
❒Use the same number as that of the printer to be created in the print server.
FClick [OK] to close the property sheet.
GOn the [NIB] menu, click [Exit] to exit the NIB Setup Tool.
HFrom Windows, run NWadmin.
For more information about NWadmin, see the documentation that comes with the NetWare.
ICreate a print queue as follows:
ASelect the container object the print queue is located in among those in the directory tree,
and then click [Create] on the [Object] menu.
BIn the [Class of new object] box, click "Print Queue", and then click [OK].