Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
permission denied. Job cancellation was determined to be unauthorized after
checking the user name and host address (except for
ROOT authorization).
phy release file open failed. Replacing the Network Interface Board is required. Con-
tact your sales or service representatives.
Print queue <print queue name> cannot be serviced by
printer 0, <print server name> (In print serv er mode) The print queue name cannot be
serviced. Make sure that print queue volume exists on the
specified file server.
Print server <print server name> has no printer. (In print server mode) The printer objec t is not assigned
to the print server <print server name>. Using NWadmin,
assign the printer object, and then restart the printer de-
Print session full Cannot accept the print session.
Printer <printer name> has no queue (In print server mode) The print queue is not assigned to
the printer. Using NWadmin, assign the print queue to the
printer, and then restart it.
pserver start. (NetWare) (In print server mode) NetWare service has started.
Required computer name (<Computer name>) is duplicated
The same computer name is detected on the network. The
start job determines the computer name by adding the
computer name to the suffix (0,1....). Configure a new
computer name that is unique.
Required file server (<file server name>) not found Cannot find the required file server.
restarted. LPD has started.
Message Description and Solutions