Various Scan Settings

Relationship of original of mixed sizes and scan size

This section explains differences you need to be aware of when scanning originals of the same width but different length (such as A3 & A4 or B4 & B5) using the original position setting and size.

If you select [Mixed Sizes], the machine detects the length of same width orig-

inals and scans them.

You can place combinations of the following original sizes: A3L&A4K, B4L&B5K, A4L&A5K.

If a template size is selected, the machine scans originals at the selected size regardless of the actual size of originals. If an original is smaller than the se- lected size, the machine applies margins to the scan area.

If [Auto Detect] is selected for scanning originals from the exposure glass, the machine detects the size of individual originals and scans accordingly.

If only [Auto Detect] is selected for scanning originals from the ADF, the ma- chine detects the size of the largest original and scans all the other originals based on that size.

Setting procedure of custom size when scanning an entire original

This section explains how to set a custom size for scanning an entire original.

To scan the entire area of an original, measure its dimensions and enter them under Original Size (X1 and Y1) and Scan Area (X3 and Y3).

The following example explains how to scan the entire area of an original.


You do not need to specify a Start Position (X2 and Y2). Specify it as 0 mm.

For Scan Size, enter the same value as Original Size.

A Press [Scan Settings].

B Press [Scan Size].