Security Reference

This manual is for administrators of the machine. It explains security func- tions that you can use to prevent unauthorized use of the machine, data tam- pering, or information leakage. For enhanced security, we recommend that you first make the following settings:

Install the Device Certificate.

Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption.

Change the user name and password of the administrator using Web Image


For details, see “Setting Up the Machine”, Security Reference.

Be sure to read this manual when setting the enhanced security functions, or user and administrator authentication.

PostScript 3 Supplement

Explains how to set up and use PostScript 3.

UNIX Supplement

For “UNIX Supplement”, please visit our Web site or consult an authorized dealer.

Other manuals

Manuals for DeskTopBinder Lite

DeskTopBinder Lite Setup Guide

DeskTopBinder Introduction Guide

Auto Document Link Guide


Manuals provided are specific to machine types.

“PostScript 3 Supplement” and “UNIX Supplement” include descriptions of functions and settings that might not be available on this machine.

The following software products are referred to using general names:

Product name

General name



DeskTopBinder Lite and


DeskTopBinder Professional *1


ScanRouter EX Professional *1 and

the ScanRouter delivery software

ScanRouter EX Enterprise *1




*1 Optional
