Software Supplied on CD-ROM

Software installed with DeskTopBinder Lite

Auto Document Link

Auto Document Link on the client computer monitors in-trays of the deliv- ery server periodically, retrieves files delivered to in-trays, and notifies the user of delivery.


Instead of printing files created with an application, the RFWriter converts those files into TIFF or BMP image files and registers them in a work folder of the DeskTopBinder. For details, see DeskTopBinder Help.

Function Palette

Function Palette allows you to use DeskTopBinder functions such as Scan using TWAIN scanner or Print without starting DeskTopBinder. To use these functions from Function Palette, you must first configure them using DeskTopBinder Extended Features. For details about Function Palette, see DeskTopBinder manuals.

SmartDeviceMonitor for Client

SmartDeviceMonitor for Client provides functions for continuous device status monitoring on the network via TCP/IP or IPX/SPX.