Typically, you’ll want to set all of the style tracks in a style to the same key.
7Count In sets the number of beats, if any, you’ll hear when you start recording your style track. You can set it to
10Set Length to the number of measures you want the style track to be, or set it to Off if you’d like your playing to determine its length.
Length sets the number of measures a style track plays before it loops back to the start. While normally all style tracks have the same length, this parameter allows you to play a short repeating
Now you’re ready to record. What you hear at the next step depends on how you’ve set Count In. If you’ve set it to
•1MEAS or
when you do, recording will begin.
11 Press the START/STOP button to begin recording.
12If you’ve set Length to
•something other than
13To hear your recording, press the START/STOP button.
While you’re on the STYLE COMPOSER screen, you can audition any of your style’s divisions by selecting them and hitting START/STOP.
To listen to your new style from the Main screen, turn on SYNC START and play a
14To record additional style tracks in realtime, press the SONG REC button and repeat Steps
Setting Length to a specific number of measures allows you to “loop- record” a style track. When you first record the style track, it stops at the location you’ve set, as described above. However, if you press SONG REC again, set Rec Mode to Mix, and then press START/STOP, you’ll be able to add more material to the track as it plays over and over again, until you press START/STOP once more to end recording.
Once you’ve recorded all the divisions for a chord type, you can finish up a new style quickly using the new EZ Convert feature, described on Page 13.