MIDI Implementation
5. E ect List
0100: Equalizer
0101: Spectrum
0102: Enhancer
0104: Isolator
0105: Low Boost
0106: High Pass Filter
0110: Overdrive
0111: Distortion
0112: Overdrive2
0113: Distortion2
0107: Speaker Simulator
0114: Guitar Amp Simulator
0120: Phaser
0129: Multi Stage Phaser
012a: In nite Phaser
0123: Stereo Flanger
0127: 3D Flanger
0128: 2Band Flanger
0121: Auto Wah
0103: Humanizer
012b: Ring Modulator
0125: Tremolo
0126: Auto Pan
012c: Slicer
0130: Compressor
0131: Limiter
0142: Stereo Chorus
0140: Hexa Chorus
0141: Tremolo Chorus
0143: Space D
0144: 3D Chorus
0145: 2Band Chorus
0122: Rotary
012d: Rotary2
0300: Rotary Multi
015b: Stereo Delay1
015c: Stereo Delay2
015d: Stereo Delay3
015e: Stereo Delay4
015f: Stereo Delay5
0150: Monaural Delay
0151: Modulation Delay
0152: Triple Tap Delay
0157: 3D Delay
0159: Tape Echo
015a: Reverse Delay
0172: Lo-Fi
0175: Telephone
0156: Gate Reverb
0200: Overdrive->Chorus
0201: Overdrive->Flanger
0202: Overdrive->Delay
0203: Distortion->Chorus
0204: Distortion->Flanger
0205: Distortion->Delay
0206: Enhancer->Chorus
0207: Enhancer->Flanger
0208: Enhancer->Delay
0209: Chorus->Delay
020a: Flanger-> Delay
020b: Chorus-> Flanger

EFX Parameter Map

The parameters with”#1” or “#2” at the end of parameter name can be controlled with
each exclusive message”Part EFX CONTROL 1” and “Part EFX CONTROL 2.

0100: Equalizer

This is a four-band stereo equalizer (low, mid x 2, high).
No Parameter Value Description
1Low Freq 0–1 200, 400 Hz Frequency of the low range
2Low Gain #1 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
3Mid1 Freq 0–16 200–8000 Hz Frequency of the middle
range 1
4Mid1 Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the middle range 1
5Mid1 Q 0–4 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
4.0, 8.0
Width of the middle range 1
Set a higher value for Q
to narrow the range to be
a ected.
6Mid2 Freq 0–16 200–8000 Hz Frequency of the middle
range 2
7Mid2 Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the middle range 2
8Mid2 Q 0–4 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
4.0, 8.0
Width of the middle range 2
Set a higher value for Q
to narrow the range to be
a ected.
9High Freq 0–2 2000, 4000,
8000 Hz Frequency of the high range
10 High Gain #2 0–30 -15–-+15 dB Gain of the high range
11 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level

0101: Spectrum

This is a stereo spectrum. Spectrum is a type of  lter which modi es the timbre by
boosting or cutting the level at speci c frequencies.
No Parameter Value Description
(250Hz) 0–30
-15–+15 dB Gain of each frequency band
(500Hz) #1 0–30
(1000Hz) 0–30
(1250Hz) #2 0–30
(2000Hz) 0–30
(3150Hz) 0–30
(4000Hz) 0–30
(8000Hz) 0–30
9Q 0–4 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
4.0, 8.0
Simultaneously adjusts the
width of the adjusted ranges
for all the frequency bands.
10 Level 0–127 0-127 Output Level