MIDI Implementation
0131: Limiter
Compresses signals that exceed a speci ed volume level, preventing distortion from
No Parameter Value Description
1Release 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the time after the
signal volume falls below the
Threshold Level until compres-
sion is no longer applied.
2Threshold #1 0–127 0–127 Adjusts the volume at which
compression begins
3Ratio #2 0–3 1.5:1, 2:1, 4:1,
100:1 Compression ratio
4Post Gain 0–18 0–+18 dB Adjusts the output gain.
5Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low frequency
6High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high frequency
7Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
0142: Stereo Chorus
This is a stereo chorus. A  lter is provided so that you can adjust the timbre of the
chorus sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1Filter Type 0–2 O , Lpf, Hpf
Type of  lter
O : No  lter is used
Lpf: Cuts the frequency range
above the Cuto Freq
Hpf: Cuts the frequency range
below the Cuto Freq
2Cuto Freq 0–16 200–8000 Hz Basic frequency of the  lter
3Pre Delay 0–125 0.0–100.0 ms
Adjusts the delay time from
the direct sound until the
chorus sound is heard.
4Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
5Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Frequency of modulation (Hz)
6Rate 0–21 note Frequency of modulation
7Depth #2 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
8Phase 0–90 0–180 deg Spatial spread of the sound
9Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
10 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
11 Balance 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between
the direct sound (D) and the
chorus sound (W)
12 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0140: Hexa Chorus
Uses a six-phase chorus (six layers of chorused sound) to give richness and spatial
spread to the sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1Pre Delay 0–125 0.0–100.0 ms
Adjusts the delay time from
the direct sound until the
chorus sound is heard.
2Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
3Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Frequency of modulation (Hz)
4Rate 0–21 note Frequency of modulation
5Depth #2 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
No Parameter Value Description
6Pre Delay
Deviation 0–20 0–20
Adjusts the di erences in Pre
Delay between each chorus
Deviation 0–40 -20–+20
Adjusts the di erence in
modulation depth between
each chorus sound.
Deviation 0–20 0–20
Adjusts the di erence in
stereo location between each
chorus sound.
0: All chorus sounds will be in
the center.
20: Each chorus sound will be
spaced at 60 degree intervals
relative to the center.
9Balance 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between
the direct sound (D) and the
chorus sound (W)
10 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0141: Tremolo Chorus
This is a chorus e ect with added Tremolo (cyclic modulation of volume).
No Parameter Value Description
1Pre Delay 0–125 0.0–100.0 ms
Adjusts the delay time from
the direct sound until the
chorus sound is heard.
2Chorus Rate
Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
3Chorus Rate 1–127 0.05–10.00
Modulation frequency of the
chorus e ect (Hz)
4Chorus Rate 0–21 note Modulation frequency of the
chorus e ect (note)
Depth #1 0–127 0–127 Modulation depth of the
chorus e ect
6Tremolo Rate
Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
Rate #2 1–127 0.05–10.00
Modulation frequency of the
tremolo e ect (Hz)
8Tremolo Rate 0–21 note Modulation frequency of the
tremolo e ect (note)
Separation 0–127 0–127 Spread of the tremolo e ect
10 Tremolo
Phase 0–90 0–180 deg Spread of the tremolo e ect
11 Balance 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between
the direct sound (D) and the
tremolo chorus sound (W)
12 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level