MIDI Implementation
0102: Enhancer
Controls the overtone structure of the high frequencies, adding sparkle and tightness
to the sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1Sens #1 0–127 0–127 Sensitivity of the enhancer
2Mix #2 0–127 0–127 Level of the overtones
generated by the enhancer
3Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
4High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
5Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0104: Isolator
This is an equalizer which cuts the volume greatly, allowing you to add a special
e ect to the sound by cutting the volume in varying ranges.
No Parameter Value Description
0–64 -60–+4 dB
These boost and cut each of
the High, Middle, and Low
frequency ranges.
At -60 dB, the sound becomes
inaudible. 0 dB is equivalent
to the input level of the sound.
Mid #1
High #2
4Anti Phase
Low Sw 0–1 O , On
Turns the Anti-Phase function
on and o for the Low
frequency ranges.
When turned on, the
counter-channel of stereo
sound is inverted and added
to the signal.
5Anti Phase
Low Level 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the level settings for
the Low frequency ranges.
Adjusting this level for certain
frequencies allows you to
lend emphasis to speci c
parts. (This is e ective only for
stereo source.)
6Anti Phase
Mid Sw 0–1 O , On Settings of the Anti-Phase
function for the Middle
frequency ranges
The parameters are the same
as for the Low frequency
7Anti Phase
Mid Level 0–127 0–127
8Low Boost
Sw 0–1 O , On
Turns Low Booster on/o .
This emphasizes the bottom
to create a heavy bass sound.
9Low Boost
Level 0–127 0–127
Increasing this value gives you
a heavier low end.
Depending on the Isolator and
 lter settings this e ect may
be hard to distinguish.
10 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0105: Low Boost
Boosts the volume of the lower range, creating powerful lows.
No Parameter Value Description
Frequency #1 0–8 50–125 Hz Center frequency at which the
lower range will be boosted
2Boost Gain
#2 0–12 0–+12 dB Amount by which the lower
range will be boosted
3Boost Width 0–2 Wide, Mid,
Width of the lower range that
will be boosted
4Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low frequency
5High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high frequency
6Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
0106: High Pass Filter
This is a  lter with an extremely sharp slope. The cuto frequency can be varied
No Parameter Value Description
1Filter Type 0–3 Lpf, Bpf, Hpf,
Filter type
Frequency range that will pass
through each  lter
Lpf: Frequencies below the
Bpf: Frequencies in the region
of the cuto
Hpf: Frequencies above the
Notch: Frequencies other than
the region of the cuto
2Filter Slope 0–2 -12, -24, -36
Amount of attenuation per
-36 dB: Extremely steep
-24 dB: Steep
-12 dB: Gentle
3Filter Cuto
#1 0–127 0–127
Cuto frequency of the  lter
Increasing this value will raise
the cuto frequency.
0–100 0–100
Filter resonance level
Increasing this value will
emphasize the region near the
cuto frequency.
5Filter Gain 0–12 0–+12 dB Amount of boost for the  lter
Sw 0–1 O , On On/o switch for cyclic
Wave 0–4 Tri, Sqr, Sin,
Saw1, Saw2
How the cuto frequency will
be modulated
Tri: Triangle wave
Sqr: Square wave
Sin: Sine wave
Saw1: Sawtooth wave
Saw2: Sawtooth wave
8Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
9Rate 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Rate of modulation (Hz)
10 Rate 0–21 note Rate of modulation (note)
11 Depth 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
12 Attack 0–127 0–127
Speed at which the cuto
frequency will change
This is e ective if Modulation
Wave is SQR, SAW1, or SAW2.
13 Level 0–127 0–127 Output level