MIDI Implementation
0129: Multi Stage Phaser
Extremely high settings of the phase di erence produce a deep phaser e ect.
No Parameter Value Description
1Mode 0–5
Number of phaser stages
2Manual #2 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the basic frequency
from which the sound will be
3Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
4Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Frequency of modulation (Hz)
5Rate 0–21 note Frequency of modulation
6Depth 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
7Resonance 0–127 0–127 Amount of feedback
8Mix 0–127 0–127 Level of the phase-shif ted
9Pan 0–127 L64–63R Stereo location of the output
10 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
11 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
12 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
012a: In nite Phaser
A phaser that continues raising/lowering the frequency at which the sound is
No Parameter Value Description
1Mode 0–3 1, 2, 3, 4 Higher values will produce a
deeper phaser e ect.
2Speed #1 0–127 -100–+100
Speed at which to raise or
lower the frequency at which
the sound is modulated
(+: upward / -: downward)
#2 0–127 0–127 Amount of feedback
4Mix 0–127 0–127 Volume of the phase-shifted
5Pan 0–127 L64–63R Panning of the output sound
6Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Amount of boost/cut for the
low-frequency range
7High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Amount of boost/cut for the
high-frequency range
8Level 0–127 0–127 Output volume
0123: Stereo Flanger
This is a stereo  anger. (The LFO has the same phase for left and right.)
It produces a metallic resonance that rises and falls like a jet airplane taking o or
landing. A  lter is provided so that you can adjust the timbre of the  anged sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1Filter Type 0–2 O , Lpf, Hpf
Type of  lter
O : No  lter is used
Lpf: Cuts the frequency range
above the Cuto Freq
Hpf: Cuts the frequency range
below the Cuto Freq
2Cuto Freq 0–16 200–8000 Hz Basic frequency of the  lter
3Pre Delay 0–125 0.0–100.0 ms
Adjusts the delay time from
when the direct sound begins
until the  anger sound is
No Parameter Value Description
4Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
5Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Frequency of modulation (Hz)
6Rate 0–21 note Frequency of modulation
7Depth #2 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
8Phase 0–90 0–180 deg Spatial spread of the sound
9Feedback 0–98 -98–+98%
Adjusts the proportion of the
anger sound that is fed back
into the e ect. Negative (-)
settings will invert the phase.
10 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
11 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
12 Balance 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between
the direct sound (D) and the
 anger sound (W)
13 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0127: 3D Flanger
This applies a 3D e ect to the  anger sound. The  anger sound will be positioned 90
degrees left and 90 degrees right.
No Parameter Value Description
1Filter Type 0–2 O , Lpf, Hpf
Type of  lter
O : No  lter is used
Lpf: Cuts the frequency range
above the Cuto Freq
Hpf: Cuts the frequency range
below the Cuto Freq
2Cuto Freq 0–16 200–8000 Hz Basic frequency of the  lter
3Pre Delay 0–125 0.0–100.0 ms
Adjusts the delay time from
when the direct sound begins
until the  anger sound is
4Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
5Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00
Hz Frequency of modulation (Hz)
6Rate 0–21 note Frequency of modulation
7Depth #2 0–127 0–127 Depth of modulation
8Phase 0–90 0–180 deg Spatial spread of the sound
9Feedback 0–98 -98–+98%
Adjusts the proportion of the
anger sound that is fed back
into the e ect. Negative (-)
settings will invert the phase.
10 Output Mode 0–1 Speaker,
Adjusts the method that will
be used to hear the sound
that is output to the OUTPUT
jacks. The optimal 3D e ect
will be achieved if you select
Speaker when using speakers,
or Phones when using
11 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
12 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
13 Balance 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between
the direct sound (D) and the
 anger sound (W)
14 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level