MIDI Implementation
0159: Tape Echo
A virtual tape echo that produces a realistic tape delay sound. This simulates the tape
echo section of a Roland RE-201 Space Echo.
No Parameter Value Description
1Mode 0–6
S, M, L, S+M,
S+L, M+L,
Combination of playback
heads to use
Select from three di erent
heads with di erent delay
S: short
M: middle
L: long
2Repeat Rate
#1 0–127 0–127
Tape speed
Increasing this value will
shorten the spacing of the
delayed sounds.
3Intensity 0–127 0–127 Amount of delay repeats
4Bass 0–30 -15–+15 dB Boost/cut for the lower range
of the echo sound
5Treble 0–30 -15–+15 dB Boost/cut for the upper range
of the echo sound
6Head S Pan 0–127
Independent panning for
the short, middle, and long
playback heads
7Head M Pan 0–127
8Head L Pan 0–127
Distortion 0–5 0–5
Amount of tape-dependent
distortion to be added
This simulates the slight tonal
changes that can be detected
by signal-analysis equipment.
Increasing this value will
increase the distortion.
10 Wow/Flutter
Rate 0–127 0–127
Speed of wow/ utter
(complex variation in pitch
caused by tape wear and
rotational irregularity)
11 Wow/Flutter
Depth 0–127 0–127 Depth of wow/ utter
12 Echo Level #2 0–127 0–127 Volume of the echo sound
13 Direct Level 0–127 0–127 Volume of the original sound
14 Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
015a: Reverse Delay
This is a reverse delay that adds a reversed and delayed sound to the input sound. A
tap delay is connected immediately after the reverse delay.
No Parameter Value Description
1Threshold 0–127 0–127 Volume at which the reverse
delay will begin to be applied
2Rev Delay
Mode 0–1 ms, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
3Rev Delay
Time #1 0–127 1–1270 ms
Delay time from when sound
is input into the reverse delay
until the delay sound is heard
4Rev Delay
Time 0–21 note
Delay time from when sound
is input into the reverse delay
until the delay sound is heard
5Rev Delay
Feedback 49–89 0–+80%
Proportion of the delay sound
that is to be returned to the
input of the reverse delay
6Rev Delay HF
Damp 0–17 200–8000 Hz,
Frequency at which the
high-frequency content of the
reverse-delayed sound will be
cut (Bypass: no cut)
7Rev Delay
Pan 0–127 L64–63R Panning of the reverse delay
8Rev Delay
Level 0–127 0–127 Volume of the reverse delay
No Parameter Value Description
9Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Amount of boost/cut for the
low-frequency range
10 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Amount of boost/cut for the
high-frequency range
11 Balance #2 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance of the original
sound (D) and the delay sound
12 Level 0–127 0–127 Output volume
0172: Lo-Fi
This is an e ect that intentionally degrades the sound quality for creative purposes.
No Parameter Value Description
1Pre Filter
Type 0–5 1–6
Selects the type of  lter
applied to the sound before
it passes through the Lo-Fi
e ect.
2LoFi Type #1 0–8 1–9
Degrades the sound
quality. The sound quality
grows poorer as this value is
3Post Filter
Type 0–2 O , Lpf, Hpf
Type of  lter
O : no  lter is used
Lpf: cuts the frequency range
above the Cuto
Hpf: cuts the frequency range
below the Cuto
4Post Filter
Cuto 0–16 200–8000 Hz Basic frequency of the Post
5Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
6High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
7Balance #2 0–100 D100:0W–
Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the e ect
sound (W)
8Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
0175: Telephone
No Parameter Value Description
1Voice Quality
#1 0–15 0–15 Audio quality of the telephone
2Treble 0–30 –15–+15 dB Bandwidth of the telephone
3Balance #2 0–100 D100:0–
Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the e ect
sound (W)
4Level 0–127 0–127 Output level