Creating a Performance

The JUNO-G lets you assign the parameters that will be affected
when you operate the D Beam.


Access the PERFORM PLAY screen, and select the
Performance whose settings you wish to modify (p. 59).


Press [F3 (CONTROL)].

The CTRL SETTING screen appears.


Press [F2]–[F5] and/or [ ] [ ] to select the parameter.


Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to change the value.


Repeat steps



to set each parameter you want to edit.


Press [WRITE] to save the changes you’ve made.
If you do not wish to save changes, press [EXIT] to return to
the PERFORM PLAY screen.

* Settings for the Active Expression and Solo Synth are saved for
system settings. Press [F6 (WRITE)] to execute the write operation.

If you return to the PERFORM PLAY screen without saving, an
“*” will be displayed at the left of the Performance group.

If you turn off the power or select a different sound while the
display indicates “*,” your edited Performance will be lost.

[F2 (TEMPO)]

Recommended Tempo

If you want the song recorder tempo to change when you switch
Performances, specify the tempo that will follow this change. This
setting is valid when the Seq Tempo Override parameter is “ON.” In
order to enable this setting, turn on the Tempo Override parameter.



* This value is specified independently for each performance. This means
that when you switch performances, the tempo setting of the JUNO-G
will change.
* The song recorder tempo will be overwritten to the new tempo when
you switch performances.

[F3 (DB ASGN)]

For details, refer to


(p. 71).

[F4 (DB EXP)]

For details, refer to


(p. 71).

[F5 (DB SYN)]

For details, refer to


(p. 70).
You can change controller switch on/off settings for each patch in
the performance.

In the CONTROL SETTING(PERF) screen, press [F1 (CTRL SW)].

The CONTROL SW(PERF) screen appears.


Use [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] to select the parameter.


Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to change the setting.


Repeat steps



to set each parameter you want to edit.


Press [F6 (EXIT)] to return to the previous screen.

[F2 (EXT)]

Settings for the D Beam and the Controller

Control Switch Settings [F1 (CTRL SW)]

Parameter Value Explanation

ON (

For each part, specify whether MIDI Pitch Bend
messages will be transmitted.
Mod For each part, specify whether MIDI Modulation
messages will be transmitted.
Hold For each part, you can specify whether control
messages from a pedal connected to the HOLD
PEDAL jacks will be transmitted.
Ctrl For each part, you can specify whether control
messages from a pedal connected to the CON-
TROL PEDAL jacks will be transmitted.
D Beam Specifies whether each part will be controlled by
the D Beam.
Knob C/R On/off setting for allowing the SOUND MODI-
FY section’s CUTOFF/RESONANCE knob to
control each part.

Parameter Value Explanation

Bank Sel
If you want a Bank Select number MSB (controller
number 0) to also be transmitted when you switch
Performances, specify the value that you want to
transmit (0–127) for each part.
If you do not want this message to be transmit-
ted, set this to “OFF.”
* The data of the part for which the Keyboard Switch
is turned off will not be transmitted.

Bank Sel
0–127 If you want a Bank Select number LSB (controller
number 32) to also be transmitted when you
switch Performances, specify the value that you
want to transmit (0–127) for each part.
* The data of the part for which the Keyboard Switch
is turned off will not be transmitted.

Prog 1–128,
If you want a Program Change number to also be
transmitted when you switch Performances, spec-
ify the value that you want to transmit (0–128) for
each part.
If you do not want this message to be transmit-
ted, set this to “OFF.”
* The data of the part for which the Keyboard Switch
is turned off will not be transmitted.

Level 0–127,
If you want Volume messages to also be transmit-
ted when you select a Performance, specify the
desired value (0–127) for the part.
If you do not want this message to be transmit-
ted, set this to “OFF.”
* The data of the part for which the Keyboard Switch
is turned off will not be transmitted.

Pan L64–
If you want Pan messages to also be transmitted
when you select a Performance, specify the de-
sired value (L64–0–63R) for the part. If you do not
want this message to be transmitted, set this to
* These messages will not be transmitted by parts
whose Keyboard Switch is turned off.
JUNO-G_e.book 68 ページ 2006年2月13日 月曜日 午後2時44分