Section 2: Installation & Programming
21822666 2-91
2. Make the Category Entries
Some key combinations have slightly different meanings in the Autoplay menus. Table 2-9 shows what these key
combinations do in the Schedule (display shows: SCHEDULE SMTWTFS) and in the Set Time (SU 01 TIME) modes.
Use the DISC mode to enter a disc number. Switch to CATEGORY mode to change the categories assigned to
the disc selected in the DISC mode.
A. Enter the SERVICE mode.
B. Enter 48 to access the Autoplay Category menu.
The display will initially show: =00 CAT 1--------
• The = sign to the left of the 00 indicates that the disc number will be changed (DISC mode) rather than
changing the categories assigned (CATEGORY mode).
• The 00 indicates the disc number
• The 1-------- indicates that disc 00 is only assigned to Category 1
Table 2-9. Key Functions
Combination Function in
RESET + 2 Moves the cursor to the left
one day
RESET + 3 Moves the cursor to the right
one day
RESET + 4 No function
RESET + 5 No function
RESET + 6 No function
RESET + 7 No function
RESET + 8 Starts the copy function
RESET + 9 Enters the indicated day's
POPULAR Enters the indicated day's
Function in
SU 01 TIME --:--
Decrements the event number
Increments the event number
Deletes the current events and
moves all events down one line
Inserts a blank entry at this event
number and pushes all other
events up one line
No function
Toggles the negative sign in VOL1
and VOL2
No function
Advances to the next
programmable field
Stores the displayed data in the
displayed field