Section 2: Installation & Programming
21822666 2-71
Table 2-5B. CD-100K Command Index
Function Menu Command
autoplay AUTOPLAY 40-44, 47
clear credits STATUS 82
display or change credits STATUS 84
free play - on/off PRICING 55
keep credit after power failure on/off OPTIONS 63
levels PRICING 511-515
multiplier PRICING 53
“my song first” PRICING 528-529
remaining STATUS 84
selections remaining STATUS 8 5
values PRICING 521-527
Daylight saving time settings
date and time change INITIALIZE 39 and 38
saving time OFF/STD/NONSTD OPTIONS 697
saving time OFF date (non standard only) OPTIONS 697
saving time ON date (non standard only) OPTIONS 697
default all - automatic OPTIONS 6996
default amplifier settings DEVICE SETUP 95
default factory load test code OPTIONS 6997
default pricing PRICING 59
autoplay AUTOPLAY 40-49
clear conditions STATUS 87
conditions STATUS 86
conditions report REPORTS 77
initialize INITIALIZE 30-33
lockout count OPTIONS 693
play delay ATTRACT 29
play limit OPTIONS 694