Section 1: Installation & System Description
221822666 1-7
CD Selection System
CD selections are made by entering the four-digit selection number on the selector keyboard (see Figure 1-5).
On a new phonograph, a phonograph that has had its CCC replaced, or a
phonograph that has had the POPULARITY cleared, the POPULAR key will
not select any disc number until at least one normal selection has been
Figure 1-5. Keyboard
The keyboard consists of 15 keys: Ten digit keys and five special keys. The two PAGE CHANGE keys move the
title pages electrically. The RESET button allows the customer to reenter his selection if he has changed his mind
or made a mistake. The POPULAR key selects the selection that customers have selected the greatest number of
times. Pressing the POPULAR key a second time will select the second most popular selection. Pressing the
POPULAR key a third time will select the third most popular selection and so on. The POPULAR key selection
feature can be disabled if desired - see Command 6994 in Table 2-4. The “My Song First” key allows a customer
to put his song (for extra credit) ahead of other songs that have been selected previously. See COMMAND 528
to disable this feature. See COMMAND 529 to set the number of credits to “Make My Song First”.
Central Control Computer
The central control computer (CCC) keeps track of all of the phonograph’s activities and determines what the various
components are to do next. The CCC regulates the following functions:
•Calculating credit and making selections
•Keeping track of selections not yet played
•Calculating the most popular selection list
•Remembering the operator’s programmed values
•Storing and displaying the message center information
Memorec is the part of the CCC that remembers the:
•Number of times each selection was played
•The total amount of money deposited in the phonograph