CD-100K Phonograph
2-108 21822666BGMMode
go to
PlayingKaraokeMode CD (J41, J42),
Stereo A (BGM) (J40, J43),
Stereo B (J39, J44),
Mono C (BGM) (J38)
Program Selected
in Standby Mode
Program Selected
in BGM Mode
Program Selected
in Playing Karaoke Mode
mono(CH1+CH2) / mono(CH1+CH2)
aux(J15) / aux(J16)
mono(CH1+CH2) / aux(J16)
aux(J15) / mono(CH1+CH2)
stereo(J19) / stereo(J22)
909990 Muting in Standby Mode
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 3&4,
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 1&2,
Front End,
Power Amp Out CH1,
Power Amp Out CH2,
Power Amp Out CH3,
Power Amp Out CH4
Factory Setting (00000000) mutes all
90997 Muting in Karaoke Mode
Factory Setting (11111111) unmutes all
Range is 0 to 63.
Factory setting is 63.
Factory setting is CD (J41, J42)
PlayingVideo(CDV)Mode Factory setting is CD (J41, J42)
Factory setting is CD (J41, J42)
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
93 BGM Delay Time
Delay from Standby Mode to BGM Mode.
Factory setting is 10 seconds.
Factory setting is CD (J41, J42)
Factory Setting (11111111) unmutes all
90998 Muting in Playing Video Mode
Program Selected
in Playing Video Mode
The Standby Mode is
active between plays,
and after all sections
are played until
phonograph goes to
BGM Mode.
CD (J41, J42),
Stereo A (BGM) (J40, J43),
Stereo B (J39, J44),
Mono C (BGM) (J38)
CD (J41, J42),
Stereo A (BGM) (J40, J43),
Stereo B (J39, J44),
Mono C (BGM) (J38)
CD (J41, J42),
Stereo A (BGM) (J40, J43),
Stereo B (J39, J44),
Mono C (BGM) (J38)
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 3&4,
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 1&2,
Front End,
Power Amp Out CH1,
Power Amp Out CH2,
Power Amp Out CH3,
Power Amp Out CH4
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 3&4,
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 1&2,
Front End,
Power Amp Out CH1,
Power Amp Out CH2,
Power Amp Out CH3,
Power Amp Out CH4
96 Autoplay Volume
Selects OFF, SEPARATE, or LOCKED for BGM, Autoplay, and Paid Play.
Factory setting is OFF.
The Playing Karaoke
Mode is active when
playing a Karaoke
selection (MENU
item 68).
The Playing Video (CDV) Mode is active when playing
a non-Karaoke Video CD (MENU item 278 is ON,
or is JUK and the selection is in the PRIORITY list MENU item 61).
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Output Ch.3, and 4
Program Selected
in Standby Mode
mono(CH3 + CH4) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
aux(J17) / aux(J18)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / aux(J18)
aux(J17) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
stereo(J23) / stereo(J26)
909991 Muting in BGM Mode
Factory Setting (00000000) mutes all
908 BGM Volume Max
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 3&4,
Audio/Video Controller Out CH 1&2,
Front End,
Power Amp Out CH1,
Power Amp Out CH2,
Power Amp Out CH3,
Power Amp Out CH4
Output Ch.1, and 2
Program Selected
in Standby Mode
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Output Ch.1, and 2
Program Selected
in BGM Mode
Output Ch.3, and 4
Program Selected
in BGM Mode
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Output Ch.1, and 2
Program Selected
in Playing Karaoke Mode
Output Ch.3, and 4
Program Selected
in Playing Karaoke Mode
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
Output Ch.1, and 2
Program Selected
in Playing Video Mode
Output Ch.3, and 4
Program Selected
in Playing Video Mode
Factory setting is stereo/stereo
mono(CH1 + CH2) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
aux(J15) / aux(J16)
mono(CH1 + CH2) / aux(J16)
aux(J15) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
stereo(J19) / stereo(J22)
mono(CH1 + CH2) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
aux(J15) / aux(J16)
mono(CH1 + CH2) / aux(J16)
aux(J15) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
stereo(J19) / stereo(J22)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
aux(J17) / aux(J18)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / aux(J18)
aux(J17) / mono(CH3 + H4)
stereo(J23) / stereo(J26)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
aux(J17) / aux(J18)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / aux(J18)
aux(J17) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
stereo(J23) / stereo(J26)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
aux(J17) / aux(J18)
mono(CH3 + CH4) / aux(J18)
aux(J17) / mono(CH3 + CH4)
stereo(J23) / stereo(J26)
mono(CH1 + CH2) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
aux(J15) / aux(J16)
mono(CH1 + CH2) / aux(J16)
aux(J15) / mono(CH1 + CH2)
stereo(J19) / stereo(J22)