Section 2: Installation & Programming
21822666 2-101
The Studio Sound system can use one or two digital power amplifiers. Each 2-channel digital power amplifier is rated
1000 (500 x2) watts RMS @ 2 ohm load. The 4-channel Audio/Video Controller replaces the 2-channel
preamplifier; and has 3 microphone jacks, many RCA jacks for easy connection and adaptability, and audio
components for karaoke. The Volume Control Unit replaces the wired volume control and the IR 2-channel volume
control, and controls volume of channels and microphones (see Volume Control Unit).
Volume Control Unit
The Volume Control Unit on rear of phonograph displays and controls the volume of the amplifier channels and
microphones, turns power ON/OFF (sleeping), rejects a selection playing, or adds a credit (same as IR remote
credits). It also controls volume of the lead singer on karaoke CD’s (see Karaoke Controls).
Channel volume is displayed when the mode LED is off, and microphone volume is displayed when the mode LED
is on. The MODE key toggles between channels and microphones. Raise or lower the volume of the channel(s)
or microphone using the UP DOWN keys. The volume range is 0 to 63.
The CH, MIC, and SINGER LED’s indicate what volume is being displayed. When adjusting channel volume if
more than one LED is on it means those channels have the same volume (i.e. they are locked together). All four
channels are locked together when shipped from the factory (see service menu item 97 VOLUME OPTION for
other possible configurations).
The Volume Control Unit can be removed from rear of phonograph and mounted remotely (behind bar, etc.). A
plate to cover the hole is in the cash bag. You need to supply a 6-conductor modular (phone) cable (pin 1 to pin
6, pin 2 to pin 5, pin 3 to pin 4 , pin 4 to pin 3, pin 5 to pin 6, pin 6 to pin 1). You can purchase cable(s) or parts
to make you own from Radio Shack, Digi-Key, or other sources.
A total of 4 volume control units may be wired to a phonograph. Each volume control unit is assigned a different
Rowelink address. The factory installed volume control unit (unit 1) is assigned address 0. Unit 2 would be assigned
address 1, unit 3 address 2 and unit 4 address 3. To set the addresses for units 2, 3, 4, take the unit apart, and set
the dip switches as follows:
Address 0 - Both switches OFF. (already assigned to unit 1)
Address 1 - Switch 1 OFF, Switch 2 ON
Address 2 - Switch 1 ON, Switch 2 OFF
Address 3 - Switch 1 ON, Switch 2 ON
Put the unit back together.