CD-100K Phonograph
1-12 21822666
Mechanism Control Unit
This solid-state switching unit controls the scan and transfer.
Main Power Supply
The main power supply (Figure 1-10) distributes unregulated +24 VDC, +12 VDC, and regulated +9 VDC to the
phonograph. The mains voltage (120 VAC or 240 VAC) to the main power supply is controlled by the power switch
on the back of the phonograph cabinet. The phonograph is factory configured for 120 ~ main voltage. For 220 to
240 voltage, remove the 120 ~ Mains Supply Voltage Selector plug from the power supply, and install the 240 ~
Mains Supply Voltage Selector plug. Note - the Central Control Computer is attached to the front of the Main Power
Lighting and Bill Acceptor Power Control
When the CANCEL button is held down for 5 seconds, a relay opens removing power from the LED lighting and
the Bill Acceptor. Push the CANCEL button to apply power. Pushing the POWER button on the IR Remote will
also operate the above relay.
Figure 1-10. Main Power Supply.