En Passant Captures: In this type of capture, the computer reminds you to remove the captured pawn by lighting that square. As soon as you remove the pawn, the computer beeps to signify completion of the move.

Castling: The computer automatically recognizes castling after the King is moved. After you have moved the King, the board lights remind you to move the Rook. Note that Kingside castling is displayed as 0-0, and Queenside castling as 0-0-0.

Pawn Promotions: When your pawn reaches the eighth rank, the computer beeps to indicate that a promotion is taking place, and it automatically assumes that you are promoting to a Queen. Simply replace the pawn with a Queen to complete the promotion. If you wish to underpromote to a Knight, Bishop, or Rook, first remove the pawn from the board (the display will automatically show the Queen symbol). Next, press the PIECE SYMBOL KEY on the Senator Module which corresponds to your desired promotion piece, and that symbol will show in the display. Put the new piece down on the eighth rank—the computer immediately recognizes your new piece and begins thinking about its next move! When the computer’s pawn promotes, first pick up its pawn as usual. You’ll notice that the display shows both the pawn and the promoted piece. Put the piece down on the indicated square to complete the move. Remember to change the piece on the board after a pawn is promoted!

2.3 Illegal Moves

Your computer will never accept an illegal move. If you try to make one, you’ll hear a low beep, and the display will simply continue to show the square the piece came from. Move the piece back to its original square to cancel the illegal move indication. Now, make another move to continue the game.

If you move the computer’s piece to an incorrect square, you won’t hear the normal beep that sounds when a move is completed. Instead, the computer’s correct to square lights, and the board won’t accept any other move. If this happens, pick the piece up again, and move the piece to that square to complete the move. You can check the display for the correct move, if necessary.

If you pick up a piece, but decide not to move it after all, put the piece back down on that same square again to cancel; then make a different move. If you change your mind after entering your whole move, take the move back as described in Section 1.5.

2.4 Check, Mate, and Draw

When your King is in check, the computer first displays its move as usual. After the move is made, CHECK flashes in the display for a few seconds, along with the checking move. The display then goes back to showing the clock.

If the computer discovers a forced mate against its opponent, it first displays its move as usual. After the move has been made on the board, the computer flashes a mate announcement along with the move for several seconds (e.g., =in 2 for a mate in two moves). The display then goes back to showing the clock.

When a game ends in checkmate, you’ll hear beeps and the display will flash MATE (along with the mating move) for a short time after the move is made. The display then goes back to showing the clock.

The computer recognizes draws by stalemate, three-fold repetition, the 50-move rule and insufficient material. After a draw has occurred, the display flashes the type of draw: EnD for stalemate or draw by insufficient materials, EnD:3 for three-fold repetition, and EnD:50 for a draw by the 50-move rule. The display then goes back to showing the clock.

2.5 Interrupting the Computer’s Search

Think the computer is taking too long to move? You can interrupt it any time. Simply press ENT while the computer is thinking, and it will stop and play the best move it has found so far. This feature can be handy on the higher levels, where the computer can take a long time to move, and on the Infinite Level, where the computer thinks indefinitely unless you stop it.

On the Problem Solving Levels, pressing ENT won’t force the com- puter to make a move. Instead, the computer will sound an error beep and display – – – – – to indicate that it was interrupted before it found a mate. To continue play, switch to another level.

2.6 Changing Sides with the Computer

To change sides with the computer, simply press ENT when it’s your turn—and the computer will make the next move for your side. Change sides as often as you wish.

2.7 Two Player Mode

Besides taking back moves as described in Section 1.5, the TAKE BACK key is also used to activate Two Player Mode. Normally, the


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Saitek III Check, Mate, and Draw, Interrupting the Computer’s Search, Changing Sides with the Computer, Two Player Mode