Changes the detailed properties and the transfer mode for the selected file of each type.
zTransfer Mode: Changes the mode in which the selected file is transferred to the monitor.
zDownload: Downloads the file to the monitor and plays it.
zStream: Streams the file to the monitor.
zContext Menu: Add, Delete, Up, Down: Adds and deletes a file and changes the playing order.
zEffect: Selects the type of effect to be applied when the Web area is created.
{None: No effect is used.
{Slide: The Web area is created while it is moving.
{Block: The Web area is created with blocks.
{Fade In: The Web area fades in when it is created.
zEffect Speed: Adjusts the speed of an effect being created.
zEffect Direction: Sets the direction when the Slide effect is selected.
zEffect Size: Sets the size of the blocks when the Block effect is selected.