Samsung DVD-HR725/EUR Tlaãítku Info, Âítaã ãasovaãe se sniÏuje po minutû od, Zastaví nahrávání

Models: DVD-HR725/EUR DVD-HR725/XEH

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Vytváfiení nahrávek jedním stisknutím tlaãítka

Stisknutím tlaãítka REC mÛÏete nastavit rekordér HDD/DVD tak, aby nahrával v 30-minutov˘ch pfiírÛstcích aÏ do doby 8 hodin.

1Vyberete-li tlaãítko DVD, stisknûte tlaãítko OPEN/CLOSE a vloÏte do pfiihrádky nahrávateln˘ disk. Stisknutím tlaãítka OPEN/CLOSE zavfiete pfiihrádku

disku. Poãkejte, dokud z displeje na pfiedním panelu nezmizí indikátor LOAD.Stisknûte tlaãítko HDD nebo DVD.

2Stisknutím tlaãítka PROG ( ) nebo ãíseln˘ch tlaãítek vyberte program, kter˘ chcete nahrát. Pokud chcete nahrávat pfies pfiipojenou externí komponentu, stisknutím tlaãítka INPUT vyberte pfiíslu‰n˘ externí vstup (AV1, AV2, AV3, DV nebo PR01).

3Stisknûte tlaãítko REC k zahájení nahrávání.

OTR Mode




âítaã ãasovaãe se sniÏuje po minutû od


8:00 na 0:00, pak rekordér HDD/DVD




zastaví nahrávání.











- Pro zastavení nahrávání -

Stisknûte tlaãítko Zastavení ( ) : Zobrazí se zpráva “Do you want to stop recording?” (Chcete zastavit nahrávání?)

Stisknûte tlaãítka œ √ k v˘bûru volby Yes, pak stisknûte tlaãítko OK.

Alebo opätovne stlaãte tlaãidlo Zastavení ( ).

O tlaãítku INFO

Bûhem nahrávání stisknûte jednou tlaãítko INFO, objeví se obrazovka systémov˘ch informací: Zobrazí informace Active Status, Background Status a Main Screen.


System Info

Active status

Record XP

Background Status

– –


Recording:PR3 [SP]


01/JAN/2005 (SAT)



Po dvojím stisknutí tlaãítka INFO se objeví obrazovka Disc


information : Zobrazí údaje Total numbers of Titles and


Playlists, Recordable Time(Title), Available



















Disc Info




Total Title






Total Playlist






Recordable Time : Title

17:12 XP




Available Space:Music/Photo

10033 MB




01/JAN/2005 (SAT)











4Opakovan˘m stisknutím tlaãítka REC nastavte poÏadovan˘ ãas nahrávání.


0:30 1:00 ... 8:00 Off



Po stisknutí tlaãítka INFO tfiikrát: Objeví se informaãní




obrazovka o aktuálním nahrávání: Zobrazí se informace









o názvu, titulu, ãasu vytvofiení a ãasu nahrávání






























Recording Info









01/JAN/2005 12:00 PR
















Recording Title









Created Time


01/JAN/2005 12:00







Recording Time









01/JAN/2005 (SAT)



âesky - 83

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Samsung DVD-HR725/EUR manual Tlaãítku Info, Âítaã ãasovaãe se sniÏuje po minutû od, 800 na 000, pak rekordér HDD/DVD

DVD-HR725/EUR, DVD-HR725/XEH specifications

The Samsung DVD-HR725 is a versatile and highly-functional DVD recorder and player that has made a mark in the consumer electronics market. This device is designed to cater to a wide array of multimedia needs, making it an essential component for home entertainment systems. With two main variants, the DVD-HR725/XEH and DVD-HR725/EUR, it offers similar features with slight regional variations, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different markets.

One of the standout features of the DVD-HR725 is its ability to record directly onto DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+R discs. This flexibility allows users to choose the type of media that works best for their recording preferences. The device also supports various recording modes, including SP, LP, and EP, enabling users to maximize storage space according to their needs. Whether you're archiving old family videos or recording new television shows, the DVD-HR725 provides unparalleled convenience.

Equipped with a built-in hard drive, the DVD-HR725 allows for significant storage capacity, making it easy to store and manage recorded content. Users can enjoy hours of recording time without the need for constant disc changes. Additionally, the hard drive functionality enables features such as pausing live TV and easily editing recordings to remove unwanted segments.

The connectivity options of the Samsung DVD-HR725 are robust. It features multiple inputs and outputs, including HDMI for high-definition video and audio transfer, as well as composite and component outputs for legacy devices. Furthermore, it offers USB connectivity, allowing for easy access to multimedia files stored on flash drives or external hard drives.

Samsung has integrated advanced technologies into the DVD-HR725 to enhance the viewing experience. The device supports progressive scan output, which significantly improves picture quality by reducing flicker and providing a sharper image. Furthermore, it is compatible with various video formats, ensuring versatile playback options for different content types.

In addition to its recording and playback capabilities, the DVD-HR725 includes several user-friendly features, such as an intuitive on-screen menu and program guide. This makes navigating through the device's various functions and settings straightforward, even for those who may not be tech-savvy.

In conclusion, the Samsung DVD-HR725/XEH and DVD-HR725/EUR are ideal choices for anyone seeking a reliable and feature-rich DVD recorder and player. With its combination of recording capabilities, hard drive storage, and connectivity options, it stands out as a versatile device that caters to diverse home entertainment needs.