Pechda uchqunlanish va qarsillash (elektr yoyi) kuzatilmoqda

Metall bezagi bor idishdan foydalanmayapsizmi?

Pechda vilka yoki boshqa metall buyumlarni qoldirmaganmisiz?

Alyuminiy folga ichki devorlarga juda yaqin turmaganmi?

Dastlabki ishlatishda tutun va yomon hid chiqishi.

Bu yangi isitish qismlari tomonidan vaqtinchalik holatdir. Tutun va hid 10 daqiqa ishlashdan keyin butunlay yo'q bo'ladi. Hidni tezroq yo'qotish uchun pech ichiga limon yoki limon sharbatini qo'yish bilan mikroto'lqinli pechni ishlating.

Agar muammoni yuqoridagi yo'riqnomalarni o'qigandan keyin ham hal eta olmagan bo'lsangiz, o'zingizga yaqin bo'lgan SAMSUNG kompaniyasining yaqinroqda joylashgan xizmat ko'rsatish markaziga murojaat qiling.

Iltimos, quyidagi ma'lumotlarni o'qib oling;

Model nomi va seriya raqami, ular odatda pechning orqa paneliga yozilgan bo'ladi.

Kafolat ma'lumotlari

Muammoning aniq bayoni

Keyin mahalliy dilerga yoki SAMSUNG kompaniyasining sotuvdan keyin xizmat ko'rsatish markaziga murojaat qiling.

texnik xususiyatlar

SAMSUNG kompaniyasi o'z mahsulotlarini muntazam ravishda takomillashtirib boradi. Dizayn xususiyatlari va mazkur qo'llanma oldindan xabardor qilinmasdan o'zgartirilishi mumkin.





Elektr toki manbai

230 V ~ 50 Gts



Iste'mol qilinadigan quvvat



1200 Vt


1100 Vt

Birgalikdagi rejim

2300 Vt



Ishlab chiqilayotgan quvvat

100 Vt / 800 Vt (IEC-705)



Ishchi chastotasi

2450 MGts







Sovutish usuli

Sovutuvchi elektr ventilyator

Gabarit o'lchamlari (K x B x G)


Tashqi qismi


489 x 275 x 364 mm


Pechning ichki kamerasi


330 x 211 x 324 mm











Kamerasining hajmi


23 litr
















Sof og'irligi


Taxminan 13 kg










































































GE83DTR-1W,GE83DTR-1_BWT_DE68-04111C-01_UZ.indd 38

2013-11-28 �� 4:05:49

Page 158
Image 158
Samsung GE83DTR-1/BWT, GE83DTR-1W/BWT manual Texnik xususiyatlar, Model, Ozbekcha-38

GE83DTR-1/BWT, GE83DTR-1W/BWT specifications

The Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT are innovative microwave ovens designed to enhance cooking convenience and efficiency in modern kitchens. Combining advanced technologies with stylish aesthetics, these models stand out for their performance and user-friendly features.

One of the main features of these microwaves is their comprehensive cooking capabilities. Both models utilize a powerful inverter technology that delivers a consistent heat distribution, ensuring that food is cooked evenly without cold spots. This innovation is particularly beneficial for defrosting and reheating, as it allows for gentle cooking to preserve the texture and moisture of the food.

Another significant aspect is the user interface. Equipped with a user-friendly control panel, the GE83DTR series makes it easy to navigate through various cooking modes. With pre-set cooking programs, users can select specific settings for popular dishes, such as popcorn, pizza, or baked potatoes, simplifying the cooking process. The quick access buttons provide instant settings for one-touch cooking, saving time and effort.

In terms of design, both models exhibit a sleek, contemporary finish that complements any kitchen decor. The ceramic enamel interior not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures easy cleaning. This durable material resists scratches and odors, making it a hygienic choice for everyday use.

These microwaves also boast impressive capacity. With ample interior space, users can heat larger dishes, making them perfect for families or entertaining guests. Additionally, the turntable feature allows for better food rotation, helping to ensure even cooking results.

Safety is a priority in the design of the Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT. The child safety lock feature prevents accidental operation, ensuring peace of mind in households with young children.

To sum up, the Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT microwave ovens represent the perfect blend of technology, design, and functionality. With their efficient inverter cooking, user-oriented controls, stylish finish, and safety features, they are ideal choices for anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen appliances while enjoying the convenience of modern cooking solutions.