Samsung GE83DTR-1/BWT, GE83DTR-1W/BWT manual Faqat pech funksiyasi Ixtiyoriy, Ozbekcha-4

Models: GE83DTR-1/BWT GE83DTR-1W/BWT

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Agar bolalar nazorat ostida bo'lmasalar yoki ularga xavfsizlik uchun javobgar shaxs tomonidan ushbu qurilmadan foydalanish to'g'risida avvaldan ko'rsatmalar berilmagan bo'lsa, bu qurilmadan jismoniy yoki aqliy qobiliyatlari cheklangan yoki bilimi va tajribasi yetarli bo'lmagan shaxslar (jumladan bolalar) foydalanishlari mumkin emas.

Bolalarning ushbu qurilma bilan o'ynamasliklariga ishonch hosil qilish uchun ular nazorat ostida bo'lishlari kerak.

Agar elektr manbaiga ulash kabeli shikastlangan bo'lsa, xatarlarning oldini olish uchun u ishlab chiqaruvchi, uning xizmat ko'rsatish agenti yoki malakali shaxslar tomonidan almashtirilishi kerak.

OGOHLANTIRISH: Suyuqliklar yoki boshqa taomlar mahkam yopilgan idishlarda isitilmasligi kerak, chunki ular portlab ketishlari mumkin;

Mikroto'lqinli pechni ingichka suv oqimi bilan tozalash mumkin emas.

Ushbu pech bo'shlig'i va boshqaruv panelidan foydalanish oson bo'lgan tarzda to'g'ri yo'nalish va balandlikda o'rnatilishi kerak.

Pechdan ilk marta foydalanganda pech 10 daqiqa ichiga suv qo'yilgan holda ishlatilishi va keyin foydalanilishi kerak.

Agar ishlaganda ushbu pech g'alati shovqinli tovushlar, kuygan hid yoki tutun chiqarsa, darhol elektr manbaiga ulash vilkasini uzing va o'zingizga eng yaqin joylashgan xizmat ko'rsatish markaziga murojaat qiling.

Pech elektr manbaiga ulash vilkasidan osongina foydalanish mumkin bo'lgan tarzda joylashtirilishi kerak.

Mikroto'lqinli pech pechtaxtada yoki pechtaxta ustida foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan, pech shkaf ichiga o'rnatilmasligi kerak.


(Faqat pech funksiyasi) - Ixtiyoriy

OGOHLANTIRISH: Qurilmadan birgalikdagi rejimda ishlatilganda hosil qilinadigan haroratlar tufayli bolalar pechdan faqat kattalarning nazorati ostida foydalanishlari kerak.

Foydalanish vaqtida pech issiq bo'ladi. Pech ichidagi isitish elementlariga tegib ketmaslik uchun ehtiyot bo'lish kerak.

OGOHLANTIRISH: Foydalanish vaqtida tegish mumkin bo'lgan qismlar issiq bo'ladi. Yosh bolalardan uzoqroq saqlash kerak.

Bug' yordamida tozalagichdan foydalanmaslik kerak.


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Samsung GE83DTR-1/BWT, GE83DTR-1W/BWT manual Faqat pech funksiyasi Ixtiyoriy, Ozbekcha-4

GE83DTR-1/BWT, GE83DTR-1W/BWT specifications

The Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT are innovative microwave ovens designed to enhance cooking convenience and efficiency in modern kitchens. Combining advanced technologies with stylish aesthetics, these models stand out for their performance and user-friendly features.

One of the main features of these microwaves is their comprehensive cooking capabilities. Both models utilize a powerful inverter technology that delivers a consistent heat distribution, ensuring that food is cooked evenly without cold spots. This innovation is particularly beneficial for defrosting and reheating, as it allows for gentle cooking to preserve the texture and moisture of the food.

Another significant aspect is the user interface. Equipped with a user-friendly control panel, the GE83DTR series makes it easy to navigate through various cooking modes. With pre-set cooking programs, users can select specific settings for popular dishes, such as popcorn, pizza, or baked potatoes, simplifying the cooking process. The quick access buttons provide instant settings for one-touch cooking, saving time and effort.

In terms of design, both models exhibit a sleek, contemporary finish that complements any kitchen decor. The ceramic enamel interior not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures easy cleaning. This durable material resists scratches and odors, making it a hygienic choice for everyday use.

These microwaves also boast impressive capacity. With ample interior space, users can heat larger dishes, making them perfect for families or entertaining guests. Additionally, the turntable feature allows for better food rotation, helping to ensure even cooking results.

Safety is a priority in the design of the Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT. The child safety lock feature prevents accidental operation, ensuring peace of mind in households with young children.

To sum up, the Samsung GE83DTR-1W/BWT and GE83DTR-1/BWT microwave ovens represent the perfect blend of technology, design, and functionality. With their efficient inverter cooking, user-oriented controls, stylish finish, and safety features, they are ideal choices for anyone looking to upgrade their kitchen appliances while enjoying the convenience of modern cooking solutions.