Signature Settings

nAdd signature: allows you to create a signature at the end of your outgoing text messages.

nSignature text: allows you to enter a desired signature for your message.

Spam Message Settings

nSpam settings: allows you to configure available spam settings such as:

Register number as spam: allows you to manually enter and assign a phone number as being sent from a spam source.

Register phrase as spam: allows you to assign a specific text phrase as belonging to a spam message.

Block unknown senders: automatically blocks incoming messages from unknown sources or blocked numbers.

Social Networking Accounts

Stay in touch on the go with all your social networking accounts. Post updates on Facebook and Twitter, review your LinkedIn contacts, see what everyone’s talking about from YouTube, and more.


Post updates, read what your friends are up to, upload pictures and check-ins, and more with on- the-go Facebook access.

Note: Before using Facebook on your phone, you will need to download and install the Facebook

app from the Google Play Store app. Tap > , search for Facebook, and follow the onscreen prompts to download and install the app. For more information, see Find and Install an App.

Sign in to Your Facebook Account

1.Press and tap > Settings > Add account.

2.Tap Facebook.

3.Read the disclaimer and tap Agree to continue.

4.Read the setup overview and tap Next to continue.

5.Enter your Facebook username and password and tap Log in.

6.Select your optional permissions settings.

Accounts and Messaging


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Samsung GT-N7100GRY, GT-N7100WHT manual Social Networking Accounts, Facebook, Signature Settings, Spam Message Settings