Compose to compose a new voicemail message.

Search to search through voicemail messages using keywords.

Premium to subscribe to the optional Voicemail Premium service for an additional monthly fee.

Configure Visual Voicemail Settings

The Visual Voicemail settings menu lets you access settings for notifications, pictures, greetings, and more.

1.Press and tap > .

2.Tap > Settings. From this menu, you can:

Tap Manage Subscription to subscribe to monthly transcriptions. If you are using the free trial, the number of days remaining on your free trail are shown.

Tap Data consent agreement to review your data collection consent.

Tap Auto forward to email to automatically send a copy of each voicemail to your email address. (This option is only available if you subscribe to the Voicemail-to-Text service.)

Tap Personalize voicemail to change your voicemail greeting for incoming calls and update your password. See Change Your Main Greeting via the Voicemail Menu.

Tap Notifications to determine how you are notified of new voicemails. Choose from: Select ringtone and Vibrate.

Tap Delete messages to select the number of days for the system to wait before deleting your messages from the Trash folder. Choose from: Empty trash after 30 days, Empty trash after 10 days, Empty trash immediately, or Never automatically empty trash.

Tap Display name to enter a name or number that is attached to your outgoing voicemails as part of an identification string. See Edit the From Name via the Voicemail Menu.

Tap View quick tips tutorial for a visual overview of five high-level tips.

Tap Help to access Sprint Visual Voicemail Help.

Tap Send feedback to compose and send an email to voicemail-

Tap Check for update to search for an upgrade to your Visual message software.

Phone Calls


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Samsung GT-N7100WHT, GT-N7100GRY manual Configure Visual Voicemail Settings