Record a Visual Voicemail Message

You can record and share a visual voicemail recording.

1.Press and tap > .

2.Tap to access the recording screen and then tap to begin recording.

Note: Your recording can only last up to 2 minutes.

3.Tap to end the recording.

4.Tap to preview the recorded message or tap to record a new one. The new one will override the most recent iteration of the message.

5.Touch to share the new message. Choose from Dropbox, Group Cast, Bluetoothshare, Wi-Fi Direct, Messaging, Gmail, Email, or Voicemail.

Phone Call Options

Your phone application provides many useful features and options to help you make the most of your calling experience.

Dialing Options

nTap while dialing a call to display a list of options. Tap an option to select it. Send message to send a text message to the entry.

Add to Contacts to add the entered number into your Contacts list. See Add a Contact for more information.

Speed dial setting to display the contacts assigned to numbers 2 through 100. The number 1 is reserved for Voicemail.

Add 2-sec pause to add a 2-second pause to the number you are dialing.

Add wait to add a pause to the calling sequence until you tap a key to continue.

Phone Calls


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Samsung GT-N7100WHT, GT-N7100GRY manual Phone Call Options, Record a Visual Voicemail Message, Dialing Options